
udumbu community
Agrofloresta, Preservação
We are bringing back a type of indigenous forest called Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest in South India. Udumbu is a 9 acre plot with 200 species of flora and countless endangered birds and animals, including porcupine, civet cat, many snakes, wild boar, jackals, and of course UDUMBU (monitor lizard). It's like an MRV reptile 😉
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Prefiguring Alternative Futures Summer School
July 22-31, Transylvania, Romania "The Green Silk Road is an initiative from residents of the international township Auroville in South India, who hail from various countries and continents. The intention is to weave together people’s responses to the entangled crises that we face. Some people are active in food systems, others in education, some protest, some build social enterprises, others make art. All are moved by the dire state of the world and dream of a better future. The Green Silk Road (GSR) offers a canvas to imagine and create alternatives together. This year, GSR launches a Summer School at a very special place in a village called Alunişu in Transylvania, Romania. The place is a farm called Provision working on regeneration and non-violence. The theme is Prefiguring Alternative Futures. Dates are July 22 to July 31. But we ask participants to plan their journey to Romania overland. Travellearners will converge from various countries, bringing their stories and questions and those from people they meet on the way. During the 10 days together we will Face the polycrisis and deepen our understanding of the entangled mess we are in, Explore possible alternative futures and learn about just transition, Celebrate creativity and beauty, Build peer to peer support networks. The program follows a holistic approach, including art and science, practice and reflection, facilitated by experienced faculty from academia, art and social change sectors. Get in touch to know more and discover the possibilities of travellearning. Registration link
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