Lost Valley Education Center

81868 Lost Valley Ln.
Instituto, Associação, Cooperativa, Centro Educacional, Centro Cultural, Centro Comunitário
Acomodação, Agrofloresta, Bioconstrução, Certificação, Cogumelos, Compostagem, Cozinha, Cursos, Horta, Madeira, Medicinais, Mel, Permacultura, Pesquisa, Poda, Preservação, Reciclagem, Saneamento, Voluntariado
Instagram: @lostvalleyec
Twitter: @lostvalleyec
Lost Valley Educational Center is a non-profit organization located in Dexter, Oregon, just 20 minutes east of Eugene. We take a holistic approach to sustainability education, and we believe in the power of hands-on learning to bring about real change. Our center is home to an intentional community inspired by Sociocracy and guided by the mission of the non-profit. The community includes resident staff, renters, and volunteers, who all work together to create a sustainable and harmonious living environment. Since 1989, Lost Valley has been a place where people can come to learn and grow through participation in community development, formalized educational programs, and volunteer opportunities. Our programs are diverse and include Permaculture Design Course Certification, Holistic Sustainability Semester, Social Forestry Workshop, gardening, natural building, festivals, benefits, meditation retreats, seminars, and concerts. We also offer a unique retreat and conference facility that is perfect for anyone looking to connect with nature and learn more about sustainable living. Our facilities include 2 dormitories, multiple kitchens, indoor and outdoor sacred spaces, a Nature Center with labeled trails, and a diverse eco-system. Many of our events have an educational focus, so you can be sure that you'll leave with a deeper understanding of the world around you. We use a permaculture approach of ecological design and restoration to care for our 87 acres of gardens, meadows, forests, pond, creeks, and trails, located 18 miles southeast of Eugene. We inherited much of the existing infrastructure and aim to make slow changes to the land with the goal of water, food, and planetary sustainability. Currently, we are seeking funds for the development of a large-scale water catchment system for our metal roofing, as well as backing for off-grid composting toilets for the event center. These projects will help us to become even more self-sufficient and reduce our environmental impact. If you're interested in learning more about sustainable living and being part of a community that is working towards a better future, then Lost Valley Educational Center is the place for you.
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Being part of a community is integral to any sustainable way of living. Community can teach us to care for and respect one another, communicate compassionately, make decisions together, and to see our individual needs in the context of the whole, while also reducing resource use through sharing (labor, skills, food, rent, materials, etc.). At Lost Valley, our staff and students live in community in apartments, cabins, yurts, and tiny homes, offering their skills and connecting through land stewardship, sociocratic decision making, shared meals, and activities. Everyday is an educational experience at Lost Valley!
At Lost Valley, we educate youth and adults in the practical application of sustainable living skills. We take a holistic approach to sustainability education, engaging students in ecological, social, and spiritual growth. Our Permaculture Design Certificate, immersive Holistic Sustainability Semester, Social Forestry Course, youth learning adventures, visitor education program, and other courses offer participants a unique hands-on learning experience within our aspiring Ecovillage. Inquire today about how you can advance your sustainable skill set! Now Enrolling Spring 2023 PDC & Summer 2023 HSS
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